What I Taught 2017…
That Compromise is NOT The New “Sold Out”…
This isn’t a new message for me, but one that gained strength this past year. To think that so many people are content to give GOD their Cain, but still want to believe that HE’s Abel, is heartbreaking, to say the least, but only pushes me forward, instead of into the corner and obscurity of satan’s choice.
Earnest contention for the Faith is a HUGE part of my purpose and calling, so in today’s climate, that means less natural notoriety, less popularity, less exposure; but you wanna know what real notoriety is? Answered prayer. When you pray, GOD moves. That’s audience…that’s respect…that’s friendship…that’s approval. What that isn’t? Something those who compromise can accomplish. Don’t be deceived: many will claim it, but by choice, many won’t own it.
What’s at the root of living uncompromised? Making sure that what you’re doing is about GOD and not about you. The end, and beginning, of story…