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I never cease to be impressed with GOD and how HE does things.  Yesterday, we released the first two singles from the album, A HEro 4 Tha Hurting, to a pretty good response in terms of people listening and downloading, for which we are exceedingly grateful.  What truly blessed me, though?  The number of YOU who WILLINGLY shared statuses and supported with no arm twisting or rah rah from our side.  Over the last few days, I’ve had the pleasure of supporting my bro’s Brother 3, whose new record with Gemstones is blowing up, and whose forthcoming EP “#GODGlorified” is sure to be a blessing, and GOD’s Vision, who’s #1stand15th series has yielded two records and a video for “Hold Me Down”, and just being able to enjoy seeing them succeed, but today really cemenred, for me as it pertains to us, the importance of #unity.  You do realize that platinum selling secular artists don’t just happen; they’re supported to that place.  What if WE got behind each other like that? Shared and celebrated the move of GOD in each other’s lives, refused to compete, and genuinely loved each other to not be afraid of prioritizing each other?  THAT’s when WE have impact.  Psalm 33 says (paraphrasing) that it’s beautiful when the brethren dwell together in unity.  Because of this, what I witnessed yesterday, was beautiful.  Let’s continue advancing the KINGdom.

Love y’all…KD

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