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All Things Become New

A Word from the WORD…

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  II Cor.5:17

There’s a victory and a deliverance we can attain in the LORD simply by gaining knowledge and understanding.  Take this scripture for example.  Many of us know it, quote it, and still fail to live it.  Let me ask you; what’s the first thing you think about when you hear the term ‘passed away’?  You think of someone dying.  So it should be with us and our application of this scripture.  Old things that don’t line up with GOD’s will for our lives have to die.  Old ways of doing things should die.  Old habits that are not pleasing to the LORD should die.  Old mindsets and thought processes have to die.  So often we fail to experience all that GOD has to offer us and the abundant life CHRIST JESUS came to give us in this life (John 10:10) because we try executing newness of life in HIM through old living methods and means.  Prior to salvation, I lived to the flesh and its desires.  Now, it’s that same flesh that must die so that the SPIRIT of GOD can live in me and work through me.  If you’ve stopped growing in the LORD or feel as though you’re not experiencing all that the WORD says you should be, examine yourself and see if there are still things of your old man that you’re entertaining.  In order for the new things to manifest, you’ve got to kill the old.  Have a funeral for who you used to be and go forth in the LORD!  GOD bless!


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