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Verse of the Day...

Psalms 97:10a

[10]Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.

Grey is what we get when we mix black and white. Sadly, too many have decided it is better to attempt to create their own gospel than to live the one given to us. We call good evil and evil good, making sure that we can identify with whichever we want, when we want (though it never ends up being evil).

GOD is adamant about our love for HIM being displayed in a number of different ways, one of which is in our verse: if you love GOD, hate evil. This doesn't just mean the evil in the world, the evil in society, or the evil in others we're often quick to point out; this includes the evil in us and our ways that we often try to call by another name. If we love GOD, then we don't hate some of the things HE hates: we hate all of them.

Today, be determined and intentional on siding with GOD on everything. In a world full of beautiful, vivid colors, more grey is not what we need. What's in black and white (and red) is enough.

I love you.

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