Mar 13, 20152 min

To Be United…

A Word from the WORD…

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:    John 17:22

One of the many things that I think we’ve forgotten in terms of the simplicity of CHRISTianity is that GOD desires us to be united.  One of the main reasons that the Body of CHRIST finds itself in a state of disarray as a whole is because we’ve agreed to disagree.  When we take bits and pieces of the WORD of GOD and live accordingly, as supposed to living and teaching the entire WORD of GOD, we cheat the world that needs us, the GOD WHO called us, and ourselves from being able to experience the WORD alive in IT’s fullness.  Not only does GOD call us into oneness with each other, but just as importantly, HE calls us into oneness with HIM.  One of the main reasons we should daily die to self is so that CHRIST can live in us and through us: our being one with HIM.  Now, we need to recognize that as with many things pertaining to the supernatural, one thing is often linked to another.  We said that to say this: if I’m not at one with the LORD, then I can’t be at one with you, my brother or sister in CHRIST.  If I’m not at one with you, my brother or sister in CHRIST, I can’t be at one with HIM.  Remember, what I do to you I do to HIM, and what I become in the habit of doing in my relationship with the LORD, I will do in my relationships with others.  The lost key to being united as the Bride of CHRIST and servicing a world in dyer need of compassion, hope, encouragement, love, and most importantly change, is our being united with GOD(focusing on and submitting to HIS will and not our own, thereby becoming more like HIM), and being united with each other.  Standing hand in hand literally goes in hand in hand with how I treat the LORD and how I treat you.  Determine to be united!  GOD bless!

